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Friday, October 7, 2011

Week One Assignment, Part 1.6

EDLD 5370
Week One Assignment Part 1.6


As I reflect upon the knowledge gained under Standard II, I believe this standard contains the most practical use for me. Although I have been out of the classroom for many years, I have seven children. Each is unique in personality and learning style. I now have one college graduate, two in college at Texas A&M, and four in public schools. The need to differentiate learning in the classroom is huge, just based on my own children. This is a daunting task for teachers, and technology is the most cost effective way to accomplish this task.

Learn as a Learner

Standard II, “Educational technology facilitators plan, design, and model effective learning environments and multiple experiences supported by technology” (Redish & Williamson, 2009, p. 6) is practical to me. In addition, I love all things practical! I do have to say that the assignments in this area, such as creating a goggle site on earth science and video stories were very time consuming at first. I spent about ten hours on my first attempt and then half as much time on my next try. I gained many gray hairs, but these were all good skills to have and use in the future.

Lifelong Learning Skills

This standard and all that I learned about it in my coursework, would definitely help me as a lifelong learner. I especially appreciated all that Dr. Abernathy taught concerning open source software. Before her teaching, I would have been too chicken to use it. I do believe these software opportunities will continue to be developed. In the future, I will know to look for these sources to accomplish the tasks before me.

Works Cited
Redish, T., & Williamson, J. (2009). ISTE's technology facilitation and leadership standards: What every k-12 leader should know and be able to do. Eugene: International Society for Technology in Education.

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